Graduate Programs

Student Learning Outcomes

Pathology and Laboratory Science

Experimental Pathology, Ph.D.

The PhD Experimental Pathology program provides the basis for a career of teaching and performing pathology research in academic medicine or in science-related industries. Admission is through the Indiana University School of Medicine BioMedical Gateway (IBMG). The IBMG adviser will advise the student concerning course work and ensure that he or she is familiar with the department, the faculty, and the research opportunities available.

The student, in conjunction with the adviser and with involved faculty members, selects a major adviser, based on the premise that the student will complete the PhD research project under the guidance of that adviser. The major adviser will then assist the student in selecting additional faculty as needed to make up the PhD advisory committee. The advisory committee is responsible for preparing and administering the doctoral qualifying examination.  After the doctoral qualifying examination has been completed, the research committee is selected. The research committee will guide the student to completion of the PhD.

The research project is the focus of the PhD program; research opportunities are available in many areas of pathology. The Graduate Faculty of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine works to match students with projects that are appropriate to their individual areas of interest and expertise.

Requirements for Completion: 

  • A minimum of 90 credits hours, of which at least 35 are course credits and at least 45 are research credits.
  • A PhD minor consisting of the IBMG core curriculum or at least 12 course credits in a related discipline or life science. 
  • Pathology C603  or equivalent (grade of B or higher)
  • Graduate Student Seminar C808 (1- 4 credits)
  • Successful completion of the doctoral qualifying examination
  • Completion of a research project resulting in a doctoral dissertation
Master of Science in Experimental Pathology

The Master's degree curriculum for Laboratory Science is a research-based program that allows students to focus in an area of pathology such as clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, hematopathology, transfusion medicine, diagnostic immunoserology, molecular diagnostics, cytotechnology, and others. The program seeks to increase the candidate's background knowledge within a particular field, and to prepare the individual for conducting investigative work in applied laboratory science.

Graduates are primed for positions involving clinical teaching, laboratory supervision, and research and development. The Laboratory Science master's program is suggested for clinical laboratory scientists, cytotechnologists, and others who have a strong background and interest in laboratory sciences. Previous work experience in a hospital clinical pathology laboratory as a clinical laboratory scientist or cytotechnologist is desirable, but not required. 

Master of Science in Laboratory Science

The MS in Experimental Pathology is recommended for those who have an interest in basic research and plan careers as research scientists.  The program offers opportunities for specialization in various areas of pathology, similar to those available in the Laboratory Science MS track.  This track is suggested for students with an interest in any of the many areas of pathology. A strong science background is important.  Previous research experience is an asset, but is not required. 

A curriculum of basic science courses (21 or more credits including a graduate level biochemistry course and Seminar C808) is designed and personalized for each student, depending on his/her area of interest and experience. Courses may be selected from graduate courses offered by the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine or by other IUPUI and IU School of Medicine basic science departments. 

Specific research projects for each student will be determined after completion of the first full semester of course work. The student's area of interest and the availability of a suitable research advisor are considered in this choice. Degree completion involves submission of a bound research thesis or publication of the research in a respected, peer-reviewed journal in the appropriate field.  Recent thesis and dissertation titles from the MS Laboratory Science and the Experimental Pathology programs may be accessed in Recent Thesis and Dissertation Titles.

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