
Academic Courses

  • MUS R391 Principles of Acting in Opera (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Basic techniques for the singing actor. Movement, use of body language, use of props, techniques of interpretation, and analysis of text and music.
  • MUS R471 Vocal Performance Workshop I (3 cr.) P: Successful completion of Upper-Division Examination. Open to undergraduate voice majors in the Jacobs School of Music; other students by permission of the instructor. Opera arias and ensembles, musical theater repertoire and spoken texts from theatrical works. Audition techniques, stage movement, and a staged "scenes" production performance.
  • MUS R472 Vocal Performance Workshop II (3 cr.) P: Successful completion of Upper-Division Examination. Open to undergraduate voice majors in the Jacobs School of Music; other students by permission of the instructor. Opera arias and ensembles, musical theater repertoire and spoken texts from theatrical works. Audition techniques, stage movement, and a staged "scenes" production performance.
  • MUS R502 Stage Management (1 cr.) Survey of the duties and responsibilities of the stage manager in opera. The student is expected to serve as stage manager for at least one of the productions of the IU Opera Theater. Preparation of the production book is emphasized.
  • MUS R505 Opera Stage Direction Technique I (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Basic language and analytical technique for interpreting operatic scores. Techniques for organization and producing works of music theatre. Written analysis of scenes, practice in staging scene projects.
  • MUS R571 Opera Workshop (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor.  Staging and interpretive exploration of operatic arias and ensembles.  Class work culminates in staged public performance.
  • MUS R572 Opera Workshop (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor.  Advanced work in movement and role characterization for the opera stage.  Class work culminates in a public performance of staged arias and scenes.
  • MUS R591 Principles of Acting in Opera (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Basic techniques for the singing actor. Movement, use of body language, use of props, techniques of interpretation, and analysis of text and music.

Academic Bulletins

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Previous Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.