Student Organizations & Services

SPEA Alumni Association

SPEA maintains contact with alumni through the SPEA Alumni Association, a constituent society of which alumni automatically become members when joining the Indiana University Alumni Association. The SPEA Alumni Association sponsors the school’s newsletter, SPEAlumni, mailed to the entire SPEA alumni network, which has grown to nearly 25,000 Speons across the world. The organization also sponsors annual alumni gatherings throughout the United States. Recent locations include Chicago, New York City, Indianapolis, and Washington, D.C. These events offer alumni an opportunity for friendships, to network, visit with faculty, and hear recent news about their alma mater. Further, the SPEA Alumni Association raises funds for scholarships that benefit current SPEA students. The SPEA Alumni Association Scholarship provides three $1,000 scholarships annually. The SPEA Alumni Association is governed by an elected board of directors, which meets twice a year.

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