
Courses by Campus

Indiana University School of Medicine—Evansville

Courses by Department | Courses by Campus

First-Year Courses
  • ANAT–D 503 Gross Anatomy (7 cr.) A study of human anatomy, including dissection of the entire body. Lecture series will include topics in gross anatomy, developmental anatomy, radiographic anatomy, and selected clinical applications of anatomy. Saxon
  • ANAT–D 504 Histology (5 cr.) Lectures and laboratory study of the microscopic structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the human body. Histogenesis and multidisciplinary sections on cell biology and endocrinology are included. Wojcik
  • ANAT–D 505 Neurobiology (5 cr.) A study of the anatomy, functions, and clinical aspects of the human nervous system. McGraw
  • BIOC–B 800 Biochemistry (5 cr.) Macromolecules, enzymes, bioenergetics, intermediary metabolism, nutrition, metabolic control systems, and endocrinology. Lectures and problem-based learning. Seetharamaiah
  • IMMU–J 601 Medical Immunology (2 cr.) A study of human immunology from a biomedical perspective, concentrating on the fundamentals of innate and adaptive immune responses, followed by a focus on immunodeficiency diseases, autoimmune diseases, tumor immunology, and manipulation of immune responses. The course is designed to develop proficiency for Competency VI, “The Social and Community Contexts of Health Care,” Level 1. Aldrich
  • MICR–J 602 Medical Microbiology (4 cr.) Lectures, clinical case studies, clinical specimen evaluation, and independent study covering the topics of microbial physiology, pathogenic microbes and parasites, antibiotics and chemotherapy, disease pathogenesis, and host-parasite interactions. The competencies addressed and evaluated in this course are problem-solving (Competency VIII, Level 1) and Competency III as to fund of knowledge. Both competencies will be addressed as they pertain to clinical microbiology; students will be tested to see if they are able to frame, understand, and solve unidimensional or straightforward problems and to see if they are able to use science to guide diagnosis, management, therapy, and prevention of infectious diseases in problem-based learning situations. Johnson
  • PHSL–F 513 Physiology (9 cr.) A study of human function. Elements of homeostasis, excitable cells, circulation, digestion, respiration, and excretion are discussed at the molecular, supramolecular, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, and organismal levels. Lecture, laboratory, and discussion. Stith
  • X 600 Introduction to Clinical Medicine I: The Patient-Doctor Relationship (60 hrs.) (3 cr.) A multidepartmental, interdisciplinary course designed to introduce students to the patient-doctor relationship through interactions with faculty and patients in a variety of settings. In small groups facilitated by primary care and behavioral science faculty, students direct their learning toward the complexity of the context from which a patient seeks medical care. To achieve this, students examine normal human behavior and development throughout the life cycle. Issues addressed include preventive health care, sexuality, cultural diversity, minority health issues, religion and spirituality, family dynamics, the economics of health care, and death and dying. Kalb
Second-Year Courses
  • MGEN–Q 661 Medical Genetics (2 cr.) A comprehensive course in human genetics emphasizing the principles of genetics and their application to clinical medicine through the family history, clinical findings, and laboratory studies. Examples of specific problems, their evaluation, and genetic counseling will be used to supplement didactic material. Baath
  • MSCI–X 661 Introduction to Medicine (21 cr.) This course provides an introduction to the principles of patient interviewing and the physical examination, followed by the clinical application of these principles. Lectures are also provided by clinical faculty in surgery, obstetrics, psychiatry, surgical subspecialties, and the subspecialty topics of internal medicine. Eubanks and Clinical Faculty
  • MSCI–X 662 Biostatistics (1 cr.) An introductory syllabus geared to the teaching of the fundamentals of statistics. The primary purpose is to provide students with the ability to critically evaluate the reliability of biomedical data found in the literature. Stith
  • PATH–C 663 General Pathology (6 cr.) Introduction to mechanisms of disease through demonstrations, lectures, laboratory, and conferences; emphasis on basic concepts and principles of disease processes. Rose
  • PATH–C 664 Systemic Pathology (4 cr.) Presentation of pathology by organ systems with emphasis on etiologic factors, evolution of lesions, pathologic physiology, and clinical correlations. Rose
  • PHAR–F 664 Pharmacology (6 cr.) Comprehensive lectures, discussions, reviews, and laboratories with emphasis on the principles of drug action. Representative members of the most important groups of drugs are discussed in detail with regard to sites and mechanisms of action, and ‘‘dry’’ laboratories are designed to involve the student in various types of pharmacological problem-solving skills. Raess

Academic Bulletins

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