Programs by Campus


Environmental Health Science
Fairbanks School of Public Health

Departmental URL:

Departmental Email:  pbhealth [at] iupui [dot] edu

(Please note that when conferring University Graduate School degrees, minors, certificates, and sub-plans, The University Graduate School’s staff use those requirements contained only in The University Graduate School Bulletin.)

Doctoral Minor in Environmental Health Science

The 12-hour curriculum for the Ph.D. minor in Environmental Health Science provides students with a foundation in the identification and control of environmental hazards that can adversely affect human health and environmental quality.  Students desiring to pursue a minor in Environmental Health Science must have completed at least one semester of inorganic chemistry and one semester of organic chemistry or biological chemistry.

Required Courses

The core course:  PBHL-P519 - Environmental Science for Public Health (3 cr.)

Plus three courses from the following list:

PBHL Environmental Toxicology (Prerequisite:  Chemistry for Environmental Health Professionals) (3 cr.)

PBHL Environmental Health Risk Assessment in Public Health (Prerequisite:  Environmental Toxicology) (3 cr.)

PBHL Chemistry for the Environmental Health Professionals (3 cr.)

PBHL Environmental Epidemiology (Prerequisite:  Fundamental of Epidemiology) (3 cr.)

PBHL Environmental Health Policy Analysis (3 cr.)

PBHL Occupational Health and Safety of Public Health Professionals (3 cr.)

PBHL Public Health and Emergency Preparedness (3 cr.)

Other courses may be taken if approved by the student's minor advisor; however, all courses must be taken in the School of Public Health.  No transfer credit is allowed.  Satisfactory completion of the requirements for the minor in Environmental Health Science will be monitored by the student's minor advisor.  Doctoral students must notify the School of Public Health before beginning their course of study for the minor.  No credit will be awarded toward a minor in Environmental Health Science for classes taken as part of a Public Health degree or graduate certificate.  In this case, students must work with their faculty advisor to identify alternate courses in Environmental Health Science.

Academic Bulletins

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