Programs by Campus




University Dean

Professor Marion E. Broome*

Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Professor Judith A. Halstead*

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

Associate Professor Patricia R. Ebright*

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral disser­tations.)

Distinguished Professors

Victoria D. Champion*

Chancellor’s Professor

Anna M. McDaniel*

Emily Holmquist Professor

Joan E. Haase*

McBride Professor

Claire B. Draucker

Sally Reahard Endowed Chair

Janet S. Carpenter*


Tamilyn Bakas, Anne S. Belcher, Marion E. Broome*, Janet S. Carpenter*, Victoria D. Champion*, Debo­rah Cullen, Linda Delunas (NW), Claire Draucker, Marsha L. Ellett*, Mary L. Fisher*, Janet S. Fulton*, Joan E. Haase*, Judith A. Halstead*, Kathleen M. Hanna*, Pamela Ironside*, Joyce S. Krothe* (B), Anna M. McDaniel*, Susan M. Rawl*, Jacquelyn C. Reid (SE), Linda A. Rooda* (NW), Sharon L. Sims*, Michael Weaver, Janet L. Welch

Associate Professors

Mary Basolo-Kunzer (SB), Donna Bowles (SE), Janice M. Buelow*, Joe Burrage*, Karen Clark (E), Teresa M. Dobryzkowski (SB), Patricia R. Ebright*, Barbara Habermann*, Susan Hendricks, Patricia R. Henry (SB), Susan Hickman, Sara L. Horton-Deutsch*, Laura McIlvoy (SE), Marian McKay (SE), Angela M. McNelis, Judy Myers (SE), Deanna L. Reising* (B), Mary Beth Riner, Sheri Robb, Wenn-Huey (Carol) Shieh, Deborah Stiffler, Cynthia D. Sofhauser (SB), Linda Susan Wallace (KO)

Assistant Professors

Mary Bourke (KO), Paula Baumann (E), Cheryl Crisp (C), Sharron Crowder, Kristina Dreifuerst, Rebecca Feather (B), Marlene Greskamp (KO), Desiree Hensel (B), Rita Sue Lasiter, Mikyoung Lee, Yvonne Yueh-Feng Lu, Tracy Magee, Susan McLennon, Ukamaka Oruche, Julie Otte, Susan Rouse (NW), Crystal Shannon (NW), Lucy Tormoehlen (KO), Diane Von Ah, Amy Wonder (B)

Note: B after a faculty member’s name indicates that the person teaches at the Bloomington campus; C, at Columbus; E, at East; KO, at Kokomo; NW, at Northwest; SB, at South Bend; and SE, at Southeast.

Academic Bulletins

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