Programs by Campus


Anatomy and Cell Biology



Professor Kathryn Jones

Graduate Advisor

James C. Williams, Jr.*, Ph.D., Chair of Graduate Studies Committee, 635 Barnhill Drive, MS5055Y, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5120, (317) 274-3423,

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations.)


Patrick W. Bankston*, Teresita Bellido*, Joseph P. Bidwell*, David B. Burr*, Andrew P. Evan* (Emeritus), Vincent H. Gattone*, Ralph Jersild* (Emeritus), Carl F. Marfurt*, James McAteer*, Brian O’Connor* (Emeritus), Mark F. Seifert*, Joel A. Vilensky*, James C. Williams*, Zao Cheng Xu*, Hiroki Yokota (Engineering and Technology), Feng C. Zhou*

Associate Professors

James J. Brokaw*, Kenneth E. Byrd*, Taihung Duong*, Eri Hashino* (Otolaryngology), Roger C. Hoversland, Michael J. Kubek*, Nancy J. Mangini*, Margaret M. Moga, Dale W. Saxon, Robert D. Sweazey, Donald Wong*

Assistant Professors

Matthew R. Allen*, Lilian Plotkin*, Alexander G. Robling*, William Truitt*

Adjunct Professors

Bonnie Blazer-Yost* (Biology, Physiology, and Biophysics), Simon Conway* (Pediatrics), Alan Mikesky* (Physical Education), Sharon Moe (Medicine), Michael Pritz* (Neurosurgery), David Suzuki* (Ophthalmology), Xiao-Ming Xu (Neurosurgery)

Adjunct Associate Professors

Robert Bacallao (Medicine), Anthony Firulli, Wei-Hua Lee* (Pediatrics), Jiliang Li (Biology), Jack Windsor* (Dentistry), Laura Torbeck (Surgery)

Adjunct Assistant Professors

Angela Bruzzaniti (Dentistry-Oral Biology), Melissa Kacena (Biomedical Engineering, Orthopaedic Surgery), Megan Palmer (Education), Feng-Chun Yang* (Pediatrics)

Academic Bulletins

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