Error report

The data is exported for the purposes of testing and subsequent merging of that data into the course description fields in the SIS database. SIS relies on bulletin editors to supply the course descriptions; the course descriptions merge into the SIS database. In order to successfully merge all data fields in the course description page (e.g., Academic Code, etc) must match to the same fields in SIS. The course data must be completely free of errors prior to loading into the SIS production server. The SIS production server does not generate an error report; it either loads the data successfully or it fails.

The SIS error reports provide a means to validate your course data and most importantly, sync your course descriptions with the course records in the SIS production data base. Errors fall into four categories:

SIS Errors, Cause, and How to Prevent Them



How to Prevent

Invalid Academic Institution

Incorrect Academic Institution (e.g., errant character, wrong case, missing code)

Use the list of Academic Institution codes

Invalid Academic Group

Incorrect Academic Group (e.g., errant character, wrong case, missing code)

Use the list of Academic Groups

Offer Not Found

  • A course has yet not propagated into the SIS production system yet
  • the course is being discontinued
  • the client is attempting to indicate an elective course, which may not be in the SIS system.

Add an Effective Date and a Discontinue Date.

Duplicate Record

Duplicate record error will generate if there are 2 or more of the same course descriptions in the ‘_course’ folder structure.

1) Determine which course will act as the “master" course, and which courses will be duplicates. The master course will be what is used for SIS testing and for the “official” course description.

2) For each duplicate course, check the box for Variable Title Course. This will prevent the duplicate courses from being included in the SIS test.

To quickly locate items referenced in the error report spreadsheet:

First, put this URL in your browser -

In the error spreadsheet there is a field for 'Bulletin SC Id’. Grab that value and copy it to your clipboard. Then, paste it after the URL like this:

The above link will take you directly to the course in question.